• Chakra Alinement Chanting with Solfeggio Frequencies

    Chakra Alinement Chanting with Solfeggio Frequencies

    Solfeggio frequencies and chanting are powerful tools that can help to align and balance the chakras, promoting overall health and well-being on all levels. But what exactly is chakra alignment and why do we need it? Chakra alignment refers to the process of balancing and activating the seven energy centers in the body, known as…

  • Harmonic Healing: The Power of Chanting

    Harmonic Healing: The Power of Chanting

    The 3-6-9 algorithm is a mathematical formula that is often associated with Nikola Tesla and his ideas on energy and the universe. The algorithm involves adding and reducing numbers to 3, 6, and 9, which Tesla believed had a special significance in the universe. The process involves adding together the digits of a number until…

  • Chakra Harmony: Unlocking Your Inner Power

    Chakra Harmony: Unlocking Your Inner Power

    The seven chakras are powerful energy centers that govern our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. By understanding and balancing these chakras, we can unlock our full potential and achieve optimal health and happiness. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with the color red and the frequency of 396 Hz.…

  • Solfeggio Frequencies in Relation to Chakras and Shamanic Journeying

    Solfeggio Frequencies in Relation to Chakras and Shamanic Journeying

    Solfeggio frequencies are believed to have powerful healing properties for the body, mind, and spirit. Three of the most commonly used frequencies are 396 Hz, 693 Hz, and 963 Hz, which are associated with the root, heart, and crown chakras respectively. In shamanic journeying, these frequencies can be used to balance and activate these chakras,…

  • Sound Resonance in Relation to Mind and Body

    Sound Resonance in Relation to Mind and Body

    Sound resonance is a fascinating phenomenon where sound waves vibrate at a specific frequency, creating a resonance effect that can be felt in the body. This concept has been used for centuries in various cultures for healing purposes. Today, sound therapy is gaining popularity as a complementary treatment to traditional medicine. Three frequencies that are…

  • Shamanic Journeying with Solfeggio Tones

    Shamanic Journeying with Solfeggio Tones

    Shamanic journeying is a practice that dates back thousands of years and is found in many cultures around the world. It involves entering an altered state of consciousness in order to connect with the spiritual realm and receive guidance, insight, or healing. This can be achieved through various methods such as drumming, singing, meditation, or…

  • Three Solfeggio tones that Promote Peace, Love and Oneness

    Three Solfeggio tones that Promote Peace, Love and Oneness

    Solfeggio tones are a set of ancient musical frequencies that have been used for centuries to promote healing, balance, and spiritual growth. The three main frequencies in the Solfeggio scale are 396 Hz, 693 Hz, and 963 Hz. Each of these frequencies is believed to have its own unique healing properties. The 396 Hz frequency…